- 02.05.2018
Colours Factory recaps first calendar season with new RENZ INLINE 500 investment
In July 2017 Grafmasz – exclusive distributor of the RENZ products on the Polish market - installed fully-automatic punching and wire binding line for books and calendars RENZ INLINE 500 in Colours Factory, Pila, PL.
Colours Factory is during recent years one of the fastest developing printing house in Poland. Company employs over 600 people offering different printing technologies in house. Its scope of services includes offset printing, digital printing in offset quality, solvent, latex and UV printing. The company works on the most modern printing and print finishing solutions in Poland. Total production, storage and commercial space of Colours Factory complex is 16 000 sqm located in north-western Poland.
The distribution network and printing services offered by Colors Factory cover not only Poland but also the whole of Europe. Consistent investments in the latest technologies have made the printing house, as one of the few in Poland, entitled to use the title Technology by Heidelberg.
In the previous years the printing house was using semi-automatic solutions where punching and binding has to be done separately. Renz Inline 500 is fully automatic system which can run both processes at once. It results in higher productivity and process automation. After very intensive calendar season it’s time to summarize it. Thanks to new Inline 500 the order processing time has been reduced by 30%, the printing house is ready to produce 300% more wire bind products per day in combination with 50% lower involvement of human labour – says Marek Kruszka- technology and development director of Colours Factory. From September till December 2017 the company manufactured over 300 000 wire bind products. Last, but not least the production quality has significantly improved.
The delivery, installation and training was done on time by Grafmasz technician so the printing house could right away use the new investment.
- 29.03.2018
GM Finishing takes on Renz Mobi binder for calendar jobs
The machine was installed in late February to complement Nottingham-based GM’s existing operations which include bookletmaking, wire-binding, drilling, punching and sheet collation.
Managing director...
- 21.02.2018
Renz at Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels
Top companies in the graphical industry, such as : Canon, Xeikon, Flint, Renz, Hunkeler, Plockmatic, Adobe, Multigraf and Argos Solution, organize together this first European trade fair under the...
- 19.02.2018
Amorelli verstärkt das Vertriebsteam
Das Vertriebsteam der Business Unit Office der Chr. Renz GmbH unter Leitung von Thomas Reinhard hat sich seit dem 1. Januar mit dem neuen Kollegen Vincenzo Amorelli verstärkt. Er wird zukünftig....
- 29.01.2018
Renz supplies Print iT prize for Westhoughton High winners
Print Solutions
Renz UK has kindly provided this year’s Print iT Best School award winner with its prize of a Renz HT330P heavy duty, desktop pouch laminating machine.
- 22.09.2017
Funky Pigeon Invests in Renz Supplied Argos F400 “Cold Lamp” UV Coater
So successful is the installation that the Guernsey operation could add two more to improve workflow and increase efficiency.
Explains Grant Bewey, General Manager: “We had a system but....
- 31.07.2017
Renz UK at The Print Show in Telford in October
Renz will show for the first time, the new super quick Bindomatic Accel Cube and Accel Ultra thermal cover binding machines, designed with the high-end user in mind.
- 28.07.2017
Renz bolsters portfolio with new launches
Renz has expanded its product portfolio with the launch of the Argos F400 cold UV coating machine and the Bindomatic Accel Cube and Accel Ultra thermal cover binding machines.
- 26.07.2017
Ambitionierte Ziele: Renz will Wachstum vorantreiben
Der Hersteller von Binde- und Laminiergeräten Renz ist mit der Geschäftsentwicklung der ersten Monate äußerst zufrieden. Das Unternehmen investiert weiter in den Ausbau seines Produktportfolios.
So sehe man im Geschäftsbereich „Office“ noch Wachstumspotenzial – mit Produkten für Anwender, die zwar wenig, aber in einer guten Qualität laminieren möchten, wie die Geschäftsführer Raphael Barth und Michael Schubert gegenüber BusinessPartner PBS erklären. Renz, bislang mit starker Marktposition bei den Binde- und Laminiersystemen für den professionellen Einsatz, ist mit der „Lamigo“-Serie in ein anderes Kundensegment eingestiegen, Renz baue hier auf seiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Bereich Lamination auf. Um die Wachstumsziele der beiden Sparten „Office“ und „Business“ zu erreichen, investiere Renz in diesem Jahr nochmals erheblich in ein internes qualitatives Wachstum zur weiteren Prozessoptimierung, „um nachhaltig flexibel und erfolgreich im Markt agieren zu können“, so Michael Schubert.
Das vollständige Interview mit Raphael Barth und Michael Schubert über wichtigsten Meilensteine der vergangenen Jahre und die laufenden Investments lesen Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe von BusinessPartner PBS ab Seite 32.
- 10.07.2017
Ace Binding expects 18-month ROI with Renz (UK) first
Ace Binding estimates the UK’s first Renz Inline 500 Compact automatic punching and binding machine will pay for itself within 18 months.
- 29.06.2017
Renz targets office dealer network with launch of new LAMIGO Laminators
Renz, the German manufacturer of binding and laminating machines, has launched three new pouch laminators, which are specifically aimed at the office market. The Renz LAMIGO series offers an elegant design and an impressive performance. The LAMIGO pouch laminators use 4-RSH-technology which guarantees a short warm up time of just 30 seconds.
- 19.06.2017
Bakergoodchild installed a Renz AP360
The company described the Renz AP360 as “a versatile piece of equipment, capable of handling a wide variety of stocks” with it’s fast die changes a key part of its attraction.
- 18.06.2017
Alltrade invests as calendar season rolls around
Alltrade Printers has invested just shy of £500,000 to boost its wire-binding capacity and upgrade its CTP system and MIS.
- 01.06.2017
Our new automatic punching machine AP 300 COMPACT was presented at the annual BindRite dealers meeting in the United States. The response at the show was fantastic,
so good in fact that DataBind/Renz with the AP 300 COMPACT won the annual Bindrite Innovative Product Award 2016. Renz and DataBind as a Renz-dealer were very happy and indeed proud to win this prestigious award! Thank you very much, BindRite!
- 29.05.2017
Bakergoodchild chooses Renz AP360 punching system
Bakergoodchild, the privately-owned Birmingham mail, print and postal services provider, has chosen a Renz AP360 heavy duty punching system to add to its high-quality service provision.
- 18.05.2017
Renz target office dealer network with launch of new LAMIGO Laminators
Renz, the German manufacturer for binding and laminating machines have launched three new pouch laminators, which are specifically aimed at the ...
- 10.04.2017
Leeds Die Cutting returns to Renz
The firm's latest addition is a Renz P500 ES punch, which went in earlier this year. It joined a Renz AP360 heavy-duty punching system and a Mobi 500 automated binder.
Owner Ian Bradley said that the...
- 07.04.2017
Renz launches binding covers Web to print service
Renz UK has teamed up with High Wycombe digital and large-format print specialist Your Print Solution to launch an innovative web to print service for customised binding covers...
- 22.03.2017
Penstripe claims global finishing first
The two machines came in during January in a combined investment of around £100,000, driven mainly in order to save on makeready times. Both Palamides’ agent Friedheim and Renz....
- 20.03.2017
Renz buy helps Leeds Die Cutting secure profitability
Trade finisher Leeds Die Cutting has completed the transformation of its wire binding production with a third Renz-supplied solution....